Jimmy Olsson
Director and screenwriter. He is driven, problem-solving and very productive, with many projects underway at the same time.
Jimmy is very popular among actors and filmmakers for the warmth and stability he spreads on the set. He is always confident and sure of what he is looking for and it is appreciated by both teams and producers. Jimmy has worked for many years as a commercial film director which meant different types of projects and experiences, quick decisions.
Jimmy has a strong vision when it comes to storytelling, but is at the same time inclusive and responsive, he always puts the characters and the story's refinement first. Jimmy likes both comedy and drama and a combination of both is almost necessary if it a story is to be really moving, he believes.
immy has made several award-winning drama films such as Alive, 2nd Class and Notes which have received over 100 awards at international film festivals. Alive was shortlisted for an Academy Award nomination.
Jimmy's more comic mock documentaries about Pippi Longstocking, Alfie Atkins and Palmegruppen, the assigned group for solving the murder of prime minister Olof Palme, have all reached millions of viewers on SVT-play.
In the films, stars such as Ann Petrén, Peter Andersson and Reine Brynolfsson and others have participated.
Jimmy has a great interest in music and a very large artistic reference library. He has an ability to look at all parts of an idea, to make the end result stronger.
Over the years, he has developed a large network including musicians, artists and comedians, which has strengthened his filmmaking. In the autumn of 2022, Jimmy Olsson will release his feature film debut Fiktiv Granskning, at the same time as he has several projects of his own, both film and television under development.
Jimmy likes to work, in addition to his own projects, in other contexts with others' projects in directing or script work, as he loves collaborations, and the great synergies they make.
Selected projects
In development:
Vintersaga | tv drama | creator director
Utanför Lyon |feature film | scriptwriter director
Att Rädda En Pojke | långfilm | scriptwriter director
Parterre | Film | scriptwriter director
The Last Car | feature film | director
Signals From Space | tv-drama | scriptwriter director
Svekmånaden | feature film | scriptwriter director
Morsan |tv-drama| director
Fiktiv granskning |feature film | scriptwriter director
Familyhood | tv-drama | director
Världen Sämsta Karlsson | short| scriptwriter director
Notes | short | scriptwriter director
Jag Ska Fucking Bara | short | scriptwriter director
Alive | short | scriptwriter director
Valla Villekulla | short | scriptwriter director
2nd Class | short | scriptwriter director
Palmegruppen Tar Långlunch | short | scriptwriter director

Palmegruppen Tar Långlunch

Fiktiv granskning
Världen Sämsta Karlsson
Valla Villekulla
Jag Ska Fucking Bara
2nd Class
Valla Villekulla
Jag ska fucking bara
Fiktiv granskning